Transaction Management
Sep 18, 2021
Transaction simply represents a unit of work ,In such case, if one step fails, the whole transaction fails.
Hibernate Transaction Management
Transaction simply represents a unit of work ,In such case, if one step fails, the whole transaction fails.
Transaction is a Interface in Hibernate
- The methods of Transaction interface are as follows:
* void begin() starts a new transaction.
* void commit() ends the unit of work unless we are in FlushMode.NEVER.
* void rollback() forces this transaction to rollback.
* boolean wasCommited() checks if the transaction is commited successfully.
* boolean wasRolledBack() checks if the transaction is rolledback successfully.
A transaction is associated with Session and instantiated by calling session.beginTransaction().
Example of Transaction Management in Hibernate
Session session = null;
Transaction tx = null;
try {
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
tx = session.beginTransaction();
(Bussiness Logic)
}catch (Exception ex) {
finally {session.close();}